Monday, April 7, 2008

Birthday cake?

Okay, so this is kind of a weird picture for the blog, huh? Actually, it was the delicious cake Eric made for me for my birthday (red velvet cake, cherries, cool whip, yum!). The main reason for this post is to give everyone the link to a cute video of Nora. She learned this song from one of her CD's, and this is as close to singing as she gets right now. We've finally had some nice, warm, sunny weather, so we've gotten to spend some time outside. Anyway, that's all for now, and enjoy the video. I imagine some/all of you may have come here from the video site, so there's not much news here, but at least you get to see a picture of a yummy cake, right? :-)
It's late, and I'm going to go watch KU (hopefully) lose to Memphis now.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter, a day late, to everyone! Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! Alleluia! I was going to upload a video, but I had to agree to terms that I didn't feel like reading right now. Maybe later! The picture above is from when Eric's parents were here at the beginning of March. We had a good visit with them. We had to cancel a planned trip to Kentucky, but enjoyed lots of playtime and relaxing time at home. We enjoyed building a "house" for Nora, and she enjoyed sitting in it (and later knocking it over).

Nora had alot of fun "playing" Grandpa's fiddle. It mostly sounding like tuning (mostly bad tuning!), but we didn't care. Who knows, maybe we'll have a little violinist soon!
This was taken after Our Savior's Easter service. If Nora (and Emily) look tired, it's because we got up extra early and enjoyed 2 services (Nora was very wiggly by the end of the second!). It was a very special day as we rejoiced in the Resurrection

Monday, March 3, 2008

February Goings-on

Hi everyone! Sorry (again) that it's been so long since I posted! We've been kept busy with ice storms, work, and the occasional sick toddler (don't worry, she's all better now!). Anyway, here are a few pictures from the last month.

Nora in her first pigtails (I think Feb 19th). She came home from daycare with them--I didn't know she had enough hair for them! She's getting better about letting me put them in, although it usually takes 2 or 3 tries.
Nora in her pretty vest for the Chinese New Year party at church (Feb 1st)--Welcome year of the rat!

Nora thought she would sit at the table with Mommy and Grandma Genter when Grandma and Grandpa visited (Feb 16-17th). She climbs on the chair, folds her hands, and says "pay" (pray)! I'm not sure if she likes the routine or is expecting the food that comes after, even if it isn't mealtime!
Sherrie Paul made this awesome stuffed monkey for Nora. She loves it, especially when she gets to wear her "cheeky Monkey" shirt, too. Shout out to all her buds in Colorado Springs!

That's about all from here. Yes, I know the pictures are out of order. I added a couple, and I don't know how to rearrange them! I geuss I could have included someone besides Nora, but she's cuter and changes faster than the rest of us. Take care, everyone!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wow!!! I can't believe it's been since August that I posted anything. Well, we finally got high-speed internet, so maybe that will motivate me to post on here more often. I wonder if anyone even checks it anymore... oh well, here we are anyway. We had a great Christmas, with a fun visit from my parents. Nora definitely enjoyed all of the festivities, as did the rest of us.
It's pretty much back to normal around here. I've been working extra, with Dr. Lane being gone on a mission trip. He's back now, so Nora will enjoy a little bit more Mommy time each week. That's about all from here. I'm going to go watch K-State basketball on tv. Go cats!